sábado, 31 de marzo de 2012

The Simple Life

Hola bonitos lectores! ¿Como están? . Bueno yo estoy adaptándome a la vida aquí en Lima; lejos de las tantas comodidades que brinda estar en tu casa; estoy viviendo "The Simple Life"

Hello pretty people <3 How are you doing? Well I'm getting use to the life here in Lima, living away of all the confort that give's you living with your parents!, I'm living, "The Simple Life"

As the day is comming to an end, so is this post (:

Gafas/ Sunglasses: MNG
Vestido / Dress: Tienda Local/ Local Shop
Cartera/ Bag: Tienda Local/ Local Shop
Zapatos/ Shoes: Via Uno

Pd: Pueden seguir el blog , en Bloglovin haciendo click Aquí
Ps: You can follow the blog in Bloglovin, by clicking Here

domingo, 11 de marzo de 2012

It's sad, it's happy, it's new

Se que me he perdido, se que no he estado mucho tiempo en el blog, y es que me he vuelto a mudar, pero esta vez, sola. Si queridas, la universidad esta en Perú, y mis padres y mi casa en Ecuador.Admito que, es genial volver a mi país, pero mi corazón esta donde este mi familia.
Ahora que ya me he acomodado en mi nueva residencia, volveré a estar constantemente por aquí, me pondré al día con ustedes y le dedicare el tiempo que se merece a este blog!
Besos y abrazos!

I know I have been lost, and that I haven't spent enough time in the blog, but is just because i moved , again! this time, I left my dear home, because I'm going to prepare for college, so I'm living alone for the first time in my life!

Is really sad and hard for me :( but I'll get use to it! I moved to Ecuador, in 2009, and now I'm coming back to my country!
I'm gonna spend more time on my blog, and I hope, you still want to see me!
Much love, xoxo!

Me at my prom night, last year
I just love how the moon seems to be bigger in Quito

She is my mother <3 and I miss her so much :(
My daddy!
 A bouquet that my daddy gave to my mom
Me and my sisters on Christmas eve

Cold December
My boys, my 3 best friends (:

monkey business
It's moving, but not changing.

Beautiful spring, everything was changing in my last days in Quito

Red Dress      : Carlos Vigil Haute Couture
Shoes             : Lily's Closet
Leather Jacket: Local Shop

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